
MySpace is a social networking site. Its headquarters is located in Beverly Hills, California, and located in one office building with the owner of the company directly, News Digital Media, belongs to News Corporation. MySpace became the most popular social networking sites in the United States in June 2006. According to comScore, MySpace has been followed by its main international competitors are up in April 2008. MySpace employs 1000 employees in June 2009. The Company does not disclose revenues or profits separately from News Corporation.
Moods are small emosikon used to describe the mood of MySpace users. This feature was added on MySpace in July 2007. In 2010, the mood feature is not included by default in the update status, but can be used on the homepage as a separate update.
Profile in MySpace contains two standard "blurbs", namely the "About Me" and "Who I'd Like to Meet". Profiles also contain the "Interests" and "Details". In the "Details", status and a list of zodiac always displayed except if the member does not fill it. Profiles also contain a blog with standard aspect for content, emotion, and media. MySpace can also upload images. One image can be chosen to be the default image, that image will be visible on the main page profile, the search page , and also as an image that will appear next to the username on comments, messages, and others. There is also a photo editor by FotoFlexer that not only can cut out pictures and mengantur contrast, but also can convert photo into cartoon or attaching the user's face in photo pictorial sum of $ 100. As in the video services MySpace, flash can be loaded. There is also a blogging feature. These features can be stored in a profile by using pengkostumisasi module or using the HTML / CSS. Images can be displayed on MySpace, not with a link like times in previous years. And the photographs can be made into a slide show form.

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