
Friendster, which penamaannya idea comes from the name of Napster, is a social networking website that provides facilities to create a profile and then fill in the data itself to then get an account on Friendster. In Friendster, we also can see our friends of friends and friends of friends of friends, in addition to seeing our own friends.

Friendster was started in 2002 by Jonathan Abrams and now has passed the beta test period. Since early 2005, Friendster has also started a blog feature.

Currently, Friendster has internationalize the language that was originally only English, is now available Indonesian, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Bahasa Malaysia.

Since December 2009 Friendster MOL Malaysia has purchased for U.S. $ 100 million.

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Yellow Pages refers to a telephone directory of businesses, categorized according to the product or service provided. As the name suggests, such directories were originally printed on yellow paper, as opposed to white pages for non-commercial listings. The traditional term Yellow Pages is now also applied to online directories of businesses.
The name and concept of "Yellow Pages" came about in 1883, when a printer in Cheyenne, Wyoming working on a regular telephone directory ran out of white paper and used yellow paper instead. In 1886 Reuben H. Donnelley created the first official yellow pages directory, inventing an industry.
Today, the expression Yellow Pages is used globally, in both English-speaking and non-English speaking countries. In the United States, it refers to the category, while in some other countries it is a registered name and therefore a proper noun. The term Yellow Pages is not a registered name within the United States and is freely used by many companies.
In Belgium, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Ireland, Israel, the Netherlands, and Romania, the "Yellow Pages" are known as the Golden Pages.
In Japan, the "Yellow Pages" are known as Town Page.
In Sri Lanka, the "Yellow Pages" are known as the Rainbow Pages, or the silver page and Indonesia

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Ayo Sekolah

Ayosekolah is one of the educational portal which formed in a website known for its social networking site education. This website is very well known in Indonesia and is the site of school children.
Member contained therein is Student, Elementary Schools, Secondary Schools, and High School. Number of knowledge contained therein to make students in Indonesia are always updated on the website.

Indonesian students to a wealth of knowledge and other modules, such as: Update status, Upload Photos, Upload Videos, Chating fellow students in Indonesia, Chating with tentor online, can lessons be sent via email along with the national exam and college entrance selekasi , download text books, listen to online radio, as well as book smart, smart teachers, Forums lessons that can assist the task difficult, and so forth.

Site stood since November 01, 2010 in Indonesia

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Amazon is an online store that sells books, movies, games, DVDs, music CDs, computer software, and other items. is the largest online store for now. Established in May 1994 in Manhattan by Jeff Bezos, a worker at DE Shaw.

Tidak perlu dipungkiri lagi adalah salah pionir eCommerce. memungkinkan kita untuk membeli buku dengan mudah dengan berbagai fasilitasnya, seperti:

- Review dan informasi rating dari buku yang bersangkutan
- Hanya perlu melakukan satu kali klik di mouse untuk membeli buku
- Search engine untuk memudahkan pencarian buku

Dan yang paling utama, dapat menawarkan harga buku yang lebih murah sampai dengan 50% atau bahkan kadang lebih. Hal ini karena mereka tidak perlu menyewa showroom seperti toko buku konvensional. Namun, mereka juga melakukan efisiensi yang sangat besar dengan mengurangi stok buku. Jadi, mayoritas buku yang ada di website mereka sebenarnya tidak ready-stock. Tetapi sistem mereka memungkinkan mereka untuk memesan buku-buku tersebut dengan cepat, sehingga customer tidak keberatan. Dengan demikian, mereka mengurangi jumlah uang diam yang tertanam di stok buku seperti di toko-toko buku konvensional.

Bagaimana Anda dapat memperoleh penghasilan dari Lewat Program Associationnya, menerapkan model affiliate marketing PPS (Pay Per Sale). Jadi Anda akan dibayar jika di website Anda, yang dipasang iklan dari Amazon. com, pengeklik lalu membeli suatu produk yang ia pilih untuk di klik.

Toko online, seperti halnya toko-toko biasa di offline, menjual berbagai macam barang yang diklasifikasikan dalam bermacam-macam kategori. Toko Online yang terbesar saat ini adalah Di Indonesia, toko online juga sedang marak. Transaksi pembayaran dapat dilakukan melalui bank transfer, ATM, atau rekening di internet seperti halnya e-gold atau PayPal. Peluang usaha Toko Online adalah salah satu peluang usaha yang bisa Anda coba. Toko online yang saya maksud adalah website yang digunakan oleh pelaku bisnis untuk memasarkan produknya. Produk bisa berupa barang atau jasa.

Perkembangan toko online sudah semakin marak, di dukung oleh infrastruktur internet yang mulai menjangkau ke seluruh penjuru Indonesia, kemudahan system pembayaran online dan tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat akan transaksi jual beli melalui internet yang semakin tinggi.

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June 3, 2009 ago, Microsoft Corporation announced officially BING. BING is a latest breakthrough from Microsoft related to the search engine competition on the internet.

Microsoft claims, that BING not just a search engine but also the Decision Engine. A breakthrough is expected to further assist the users of the Internet to save time when searching information on the Internet, because getting a search result that comes closest to that desired by the users of the Internet.
According to research conducted by Microsoft at the corresponding period of 2008, Microsoft found that many Internet users are actually experiencing information overload when they search information on the Internet. A large number and diverse types of information obtained from internet search results then that's what makes the time consumed by the seeker of information to determine the result of the information to be used is not efficient. Similarly, the research explains.

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 Wikipedia is a free content encyclopedia that began in 2001 (the Indonesian version started in 2003). The articles on Wikipedia is the result of collaboration by the penyumbangsih from around the world. This site is a wiki site, which means that anyone can edit articles, repair and add information, simply by clicking the edit link on the top of every page.

Simple is a trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. which also has made ​​a whole family of Wikipedia, among others, Wikiquote, Wiktionary, Wikisource, Wikibooks and Wikinews. In Wikipedia and other projects, you are expected to brave edit, and contribute their knowledge in your field of interest.

Wikipedia started in January 15, 2001 by Jimmy Wales, Larry Sanger, and some enthusiastic collaborators English. Now there are 13,000 active contributors working on more than seven million articles in 250 languages​​. Currently there are 163 069 articles in the Indonesian language; every day hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world make tens of thousands of edits and create thousands of new articles in Wikipediathe English .

All text in Wikipedia, and most images and other content, is protected by a dual license Creative Commons A-PS and the GFDL. Contributions remain the rights of creators, while the CC and GFDL license ensures the content will continue to be distributed free of charge and allows for reproducible

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You Tube

YouTube is a video sharing website (video sharing) popular founded in February 2005 by three former employees of PayPal: Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim.According to Internet research firm Hitwise, in May 2006, YouTube has a market shareof 43 percent. The user can load, watch, and share video clips for free. Generally, the videos on YouTube are music clips (video clips), films, TV, and video made ​​by the usersthemselves. The format used in YouTube videos are. flv can be played in a web browserthat has Flash Player plugin.
On October 9, 2006 announced that Google purchased YouTube for U.S. $ 1.65 billion.In early April 2008 some Indonesian ISPs shut off access to several Web sites includingYouTube because it contains the movie Fitna. Originally blocking form completelyblocking the entire website, but later changed to blocking of a specific URL that containsthe video course.

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About Google
Google's mission is to provide a search experience on the Internet is the best by realizing that the world's information accessible and useful. Google, maker of the world's largest search engine, offering speed, ease of finding information on the internet. With access to more than 1.3 billion web pages, Google is delivering results that are relevant to all users across the globe less than half a second. To this day, Google has responded to more than 100 million search queries a day.
Two Ph.D. students from Stanford, Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in 1998. Private company was announced in June 1999 that the company had a source of funding of $ 25 million. Corporate funding sources include Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital. Google provides its services through the public site, The company also offers a search solution in a co-branded web for information providers.
About Google Technology
Google's innovative search technologies and procedures for the elegant face of the wearer puts Google in a position far different from the first generation of search engines available today. Compared with only using keywords or metasearch technology, Google's PageRank uses the latest technology that is patented, this technology ensures that important information will be displayed first.
PageRank display an objective measurement of the level of web pages and is measured by how to solve an equation with 500 million variables with more than 2 billion conditions. PageRank uses the vast link structure as in an organizational structure. In essence, Google interprets a link from Page A to Page B as a "vote" by page A for page B. Google judge the importance of web pages based on the votes obtained.Google also analyzes the page that you are voting.
Google search methods are automated and complex does not allow any interference from humans. Unlike other search engines, Google is prepared for no one can buy a "higher place" in the search results or change the search results for commercial purposes. Google search is the search for an honest and objective in the search for high quality website with the easy way.

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MySpace is a social networking site. Its headquarters is located in Beverly Hills, California, and located in one office building with the owner of the company directly, News Digital Media, belongs to News Corporation. MySpace became the most popular social networking sites in the United States in June 2006. According to comScore, MySpace has been followed by its main international competitors are up in April 2008. MySpace employs 1000 employees in June 2009. The Company does not disclose revenues or profits separately from News Corporation.
Moods are small emosikon used to describe the mood of MySpace users. This feature was added on MySpace in July 2007. In 2010, the mood feature is not included by default in the update status, but can be used on the homepage as a separate update.
Profile in MySpace contains two standard "blurbs", namely the "About Me" and "Who I'd Like to Meet". Profiles also contain the "Interests" and "Details". In the "Details", status and a list of zodiac always displayed except if the member does not fill it. Profiles also contain a blog with standard aspect for content, emotion, and media. MySpace can also upload images. One image can be chosen to be the default image, that image will be visible on the main page profile, the search page , and also as an image that will appear next to the username on comments, messages, and others. There is also a photo editor by FotoFlexer that not only can cut out pictures and mengantur contrast, but also can convert photo into cartoon or attaching the user's face in photo pictorial sum of $ 100. As in the video services MySpace, flash can be loaded. There is also a blogging feature. These features can be stored in a profile by using pengkostumisasi module or using the HTML / CSS. Images can be displayed on MySpace, not with a link like times in previous years. And the photographs can be made into a slide show form.

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Overview YAHOO!
Yahoo! is a popular web portal operated company called Yahoo! Inc. .. Yahoo! was originally just a kind of bookmarks (bookmarks), the idea originated in April 1994, at which time two alumni of the Stanford University professor received a holiday when they go out of town because the big vacation.
Engineering students David Filo and Jerry Yang has a bit of work to do but surf the Internet. They did not take long to compile a huge list of bookmarks, grouped by subject.
Then they think, why not put it on the web? They then worked to create a database program to handle it, which can give results online.
Bookmark collection, now known as Yahoo, received some 80 million visitors per month (2000 census).
What and How Yahoo!Do you know if the founder Yahoo! are Asians? Did you know that now Yahoo! have a blog? There are many other questions about Yahoo! that when presented to most Internet users, the answer is still 'not know'!
Though this name has been synonymous with the use of the Internet, especially those who like to send e-mail, or chat through Messenger (YM). For a moment, so-so we know the various features of the site one of the biggest free service in the world.
First of all we would like to know what and how Yahoo! For this you can enter the page Company Info. Location link at the bottom of the main page of Yahoo.
Incoming links, various options are offered. From the employment link on Yahoo, information for press, advertising information, Yahoo Help, opportunities for investors, howregister the site on Yahoo, and more.
But if you just want to know what and how Yahoo! can develop like now, you just go to Press Room page. Here is a variety of profiles and historical information Yahoo!
Apparently Yahoo! itself was founded by Jerry Yang, an Asian boy from Taiwan who was taking college courses Ph.D. Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. Jerry with friend David Filo sekampusnya Yahoo! project started in February 1994.
They both have the same hobby, which is exploring the world of the Internet, but often difficult to find something they need in this virtual world. Then, they both were working on Yahoo! Yahoo! itself is an acronym of Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.
My Yahoo!
Usually, because it is the most popular of Yahoo! is a search engine, free email, and messenger, we go straight to the page or software features of each to use it.
To check your e-mail, you can go directly to Using Messenger (YM) was no less easy, just click on its software. But with My Yahoo! all facilities or features of Yahoo can be integrated. The link is on the top right of the main page Yahoo!
Uniquely, this page you can choose their own design and color. So it is with the features you want, you can bring it on this page, the category of news, view email, storing photos and files, offline messaging from IM, calendar, White Page search Yahoo! ID, Email Finder, weather and many again.
Indirectly, My Yahoo! already become an online appointment book for their owners, as well as summarizing important features Yahoo! are often used.
Groups, Music, Chat & Videao (new)
At the top left of the main page Yahoo! there are three features that we all already knew.But sometimes many have yet to understand its usefulness. First, Groups, namely the facility mailing list (mailing list) for ownersYahoo! ID.
This is a discussion group, where each member sends an email received by all members. Well, this page contains archived emails into the mailing list. In addition, you can also create their own mailing list and be the moderator. This group is formerly known as the E-Groups, but after its management was taken over by Yahoo! turned into Yahoo! Groups.
The second feature is the Music. This page will become a paradise for music mania.Latest songs and information, as well as music videos you can play here, both free and paid. Fun right?
The latter is the Chat feature. At first glance this feature as if nothing special, as are many websites which provide this facility. But for those who already depend on the YM, if any time he uses a PC can not access YM (for example because of blocked firewall), this feature is very helpful.
Chat was so free!
Yahoo! Indonesia
Already know there Yahoo! Indonesia? You can find the link at the bottom right, in part Yahoo! International. Actually this is more worthy page called Yahoo! Asia's Indonesian edition, because there are so many parts of the page to Indonesia.
The first is the choice of search engines, if you want to use search engine All the Web or Indonesia. Second, the column In The News, which features news and weather forecast Indonesia. And lastly on Yahoo! Message Board, which includes a forum for users of Indonesia but is part Yahoo! Asia joint forum for Malaysia, Philippine, and Thailand.There is also Yahoo! Asian Groups, a special mailing list for the group in Asia, including Indonesia categories of course.
In the Indonesian edition of the logo pages using this puppet you can find info use Yahoo! Mobile. You can find out how to send SMS from the IM to the phone and vice versa.
Yahoo! 360 and Yahoo Messenger
These are the two newest facilities of Yahoo! After some time ago Yahoo! raise its email storage capacity to 1 Gigabyte, the company also has launched Yahoo! 360. The facility combines a blog and a network of friends and groups, who are ready to compete with its predecessor, Friendster.
It can be used to fill a blog (online diary), we can quickly expand your network of friends and groups. No wonder if this feature has attracted many users Yahoo

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